June 25, 2024


LSET Junior Tech Summer Camp

Exploring the Future Inside LSET Junior Tech Summer Camp

For parents, summer break brings a familiar scramble on how to keep their children engaged, learning and entertained during those long, free days. Traditional summer camps offer a result, but what if there was a way to enkindle a passion for the future, spark creativity and equip your child with the skills to thrive in...
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Capstone Project

The Ultimate Guide to Succeeding in Your Capstone Project

The capstone project looms large in the mind of any pupil nearing the end of their academic trip. This climaxing design showcases your learned skills and knowledge, all brought together to attack a real-world problem. But with so much riding on it, how do you ensure your capstone project succeeds? This companion will equip you...
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Python Programming

Python Programming Basics: A Beginner’s Guide

Raise a toast to the innovative world of Python programming. Whether you are a complete freshman or have a little experience with coding, Python is a fantastic language to learn. This companion will introduce you to Python programming fundamentals, explore why Python is an excellent choice for newcomers and give some stylish practices to follow...
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