LSET Experts


Reinforcement Learning

Exploring the Power of Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction to the Basics

The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is brimming with fascinating generalities and reinforcement learning (RL) stands out as an important approach for training intelligent agents. Unlike traditional supervised learning, where an algorithm is presented with labelled data, RL involves an agent interacting with its terrain, learning through trial and error and seeking to maximise a...
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LSET Expert-Led Courses

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders: LSET Expert-Led Courses in Leadership

The world is constantly evolving, and the need for effective leadership is more consummate than ever. Leaders guide teams, navigate complex challenges and inspire invention. However, strong leadership is not an essential particularity; it’s a skill that can be honed and developed. This is where LSET steps in. With its expert-led leadership courses, LSET empowers...
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Expert MVP in Startup

The Importance of an Expert MVP in Startup Success

Launching the right product is pivotal for survival in the fast-paced world of startups, where ideas are generous, but coffers still need to be made available. Then comes the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). An MVP is a stripped-down interpretation of your product with just enough features to break a core user problem...
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