Complaint Policy

Last Updated: July 20, 2024


The London School of Emerging Technology (LSET) is committed to providing high-quality educational services. However, we recognize that there may be occasions when students, staff, or other stakeholders have concerns or complaints. This Complaint Policy outlines our approach to handling such complaints in a fair, transparent, and timely manner, in line with BAC UK guidelines.


This policy applies to all students, staff, and other stakeholders who have a complaint regarding any aspect of LSET’s services or operations.


  • To provide a clear and straightforward process for making complaints.
  • To ensure complaints are handled fairly, consistently, and promptly.
  • To improve our services through feedback and continuous improvement.

Definition of a Complaint

A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction by a student, staff member, or stakeholder regarding the standards of service, actions, or lack of action by LSET or its staff.

Procedure for Making a Complaint

Stage 1: Informal Resolution

Initial Discussion: The complainant should first try to resolve the issue informally by discussing it with the relevant staff member or department.

Resolution: If the issue is resolved at this stage, no further action is required.

Stage 2: Formal Complaint

Submitting a Complaint: If the issue is not resolved informally, the complainant can submit a formal complaint in writing. This can be done via email or letter to the HR department at or to the following address:

London School of Emerging Technology

1 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3ND,

United Kingdom

Acknowledgment: LSET will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 5 working days.
Investigation: The HR department will investigate the complaint thoroughly and impartially. This may involve interviewing relevant parties and reviewing related documents.

Response: A formal response will be provided to the complainant within 15 working days of receiving the complaint. If more time is needed, the complainant will be informed of the reason for the delay and the expected date of response.

Stage 3: Appeal

Appeal Submission: If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the formal complaint, they can appeal in writing within 10 working days of receiving the response. The appeal should be directed to the principal instructor.

Review: The principal instructor or an appointed senior staff member will review the appeal. This may include re-investigating the complaint.

Final Decision: A final decision will be communicated to the complainant within 20 working days of receiving the appeal. This decision is final and marks the end of the complaint process.


All complaints will be handled confidentially, and information will only be shared with those involved in the investigation and resolution of the complaint.

Record Keeping

LSET will maintain records of all complaints and their outcomes. These records will be reviewed regularly to identify any patterns or areas for improvement.

Continuous Improvement

Feedback from complaints will be used to improve LSET’s services and operations. The HR department will review complaint trends and outcomes annually to ensure continuous improvement.

Contact Information

For any questions or further information regarding this policy, please contact:

London School of Emerging Technology

1 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3ND, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 20 3369 9909
