LSET Review Policy

Last Updated: September 21, 2023

  • Rationale
  • Objective
  • Procedures


The Principal Instructor will ensure that all the policies and documents are consistent, accurate, complete, and appropriate.


It is important to review the policies on a regular basis to ensure that all procedures meet the needs of the LSET, the staff, and the students. All the policies and documentation will be spread over a period of one year or less, to ensure they are regularly reviewed.


  • The policies for review will be indicated on LSET’s strategic and annual plan.
  • One month prior to the review data, the policy will be distributed to the administration and staff, where appropriate for input.
  • The Principal Instructor will make any changes or updates and then submit them to the LSET administration for review, where appropriate.
  • All the policies will be kept electronically on our website and can be accessed from the following link:
  • Each year the LSET staff will be reminded of where these policies are located so that they can easily refer to them at any time.
  • Every year, the staff handbook is reviewed and updated as necessary.