This handbook is intended to answer many of the day-to-day questions of students in the London School of Emerging Technology. It will provide great practical benefits during your tenure as a short certificate course student. It will help you understand the organisational values of the LSET and your own certificate course, and it contains invaluable information about assessments and what is required from you to progress towards certification. It will act as a pointer towards valuable sources of help should you encounter any problems. Keep your handbook safe as it will be a helpful reference throughout the course duration. This handbook is updated annually, so please take time to study it again.
Further details regarding Institution and its policies can be found on the Institution’s main website at
Welcome to the London School of Emerging Technologies. You are about to join a new world of practical learning and a dynamic curriculum. We at LSET welcome you to the emerging era of technology. Our curriculum not only teaches hands-on techniques and methods but also provides various educational opportunities throughout the year. Our exclusive events about different fields will keep you engaged every minute of your tenure with us.
We empower our students from every prospect possible. From cultural activities to mind-bending competitions, we never fail to keep our students engaged.
Our curriculum is carefully designed to focus on both professional and interpersonal skill development. Our unique live industry project add-ons enable LSET students to work in co-working environments and experience the real-world challenges of the corporate world. The students will receive career guidance from professionals in the relevant industry.
The LSET opens up a world of new possibilities and next-generation skill training. We enable the students to pursue success in the right direction of technology or business. Our administration and instructors are dedicated to teaching technology and business in the most simple, efficient, and practical manner by leveraging the most innovative teaching methods and project-based learning. As an institution committed to innovation and creativity, LSET always encourages original ideas and creativity.
As a student of LSET, your responsibility is to seize the opportunities for learning that you will find here — whether in lectures, tutorials, laboratories, project work, or in discussion with the teaching and technical staff, to strive for the highest classification of degree commensurate with your talents, and to forge for yourself a distinguished career.
As a certified student from the London School of Emerging Technology with its illustrious forebears, we expect you to go out and in some way change the world. The subjects you have chosen to study are at the cutting edge of technology. We continually update courses and practices to maintain this position and provide a state-of-the-art education. You will find that the more diligent you are in your studies, the more you will enjoy them. We wish you every success in your chosen course.
Mayur Ramgir
Principal Instructor
At LSET, we provide an amalgamation of the conventional teaching procedures and a diverse range of metamorphosed skill training. These help to instil core corporate values like entrepreneurship, liberal thinking, and rational method solving in each student.
We help you build industry-required skill sets and discover solutions to real-life industry problems. The learning experience is made exciting with compact student groups, flexible study hours, and a particular focus on educational activities. This is a never-seen-before opportunity for anyone who wants to be prepared for this fast-paced technology world.
Our trained and experienced faculties are pioneers in their field of learning. We aim to provide individual attention to our students to make their learning more personal.
Our institution aims to build tie-ups with various start-ups and established leader companies to help you cultivate communications with them for future references. A brand-new opportunity to work close to the corporate world will provide your career with the boost it needs.
At LSET, students will be on a path to acquire skill-sets like developing entrepreneurship mindsets, incorporating practical methods at workspaces, social responsibility, networking, and much more.
As a student, you will start a journey filled with real-world challenges and practical training. Overcome your fears and become an emerging tech innovator or entrepreneur. With our helpful and innovative curriculum, students will always be on the edge of their learning experience. Our certificate programs include challenging yet productive courses to instil fundamental core values like impromptu decision-making into our students.
You will be able to acquire an education and understanding of the subject you are studying through the institution’s staff, facilities, and organised courses. We are constantly monitoring the quality of this provision and are proud of the high standards we maintain. To succeed in your chosen subject, you must utilise the institution’s resources most effectively. In order to succeed in your studies, you must overcome any perceived shortcomings in the system. Ensure your results reflect your best efforts, because they will judge you.
The information on compulsory classes is contained in the section ‘Minimum Requirement for Award of Certificate’ of the Course Specification for each course.
You will be graded CR (credit refused) or CW (credit withheld) for a course if you fail to meet these requirements without good cause. This may mean that you cannot complete your curriculum for the certificate course and may not be able to progress further.
The LSET aims to return feedback on written assessments within three weeks. You will be notified if a delay is expected.
The LSET offers a wide range of advice and guidance for your studies. These cover general issues, not those associated with a particular course, for which you should see the instructor. Please visit the LSET website for further information.
You must justify the reason for your absence and may be required to upload supporting evidence. You may also wish to explain the circumstances to your Student Service Officer, particularly where the illness or difficulties may be prolonged. The sooner you tell us, the earlier we can help you.
You are expected to make up for missed classes where practicable. For example, if you miss a compulsory hands-on lab near the start of a course you can usually arrange with the instructor to complete it at a later date. It is your responsibility to make such arrangements.
The institution has a general rule that you must complete 90% of a course to be awarded a course completion certificate. This means that it is not possible for you to be awarded a course completion certificate after a prolonged absence, even for a good cause. This is because you would not have met enough of the learning outcomes of the course. Discuss your circumstances with your Student Service Officer or Principal Instructor if there is any possibility of this happening to you; it may be best to withdraw from your studies until your problems are fully resolved.
It is particularly important to report absences from assessments promptly, preferably before the assessment if possible. You MUST notify the institution via Student Space no later than one week (i.e. within 7 days) after the date of the assessment or the due date for submission of the assessment affected. The Institution may reject written assessments submitted more than 10 working days after the event unless there is a good reason for the late submission. The information you provide will be treated confidentially. An absence notification and supporting evidence must be completed following the guidelines in the LSET’s Student Absence Policy. It is not sufficient simply to email your Student Service Officer of Studies or the instructor on the course.
The Introduction to the Institution’s statement on plagiarism, part of the Institution’s Regulations is as follows;
31.1 The Institution’s certificates are given in recognition of a student’s personal achievement. All work submitted by students for assessment is accepted on the understanding that it is the student’s own effort.
31.2 Plagiarism is defined as the submission or presentation of work, in any form, which is not one’s own, without acknowledgement of the sources. Plagiarism includes inappropriate collaboration with others. Special cases of plagiarism can arise from a student using his or her own previous work (termed auto-plagiarism or self-plagiarism). Auto plagiarism includes using work that has already been submitted for assessment at this Institution or for any other academic award.
31.3 The incorporation of material without formal and proper acknowledgement (even with no deliberate intent to cheat) can constitute plagiarism. Work may be considered to be plagiarised if it consists of:
With regard to essays, reports and dissertations, the rule is: if information or ideas are obtained from any source, that source must be acknowledged according to the appropriate convention in that discipline; and any direct quotation must be placed in quotation marks and the source cited immediately. Any failure to acknowledge adequately or to cite properly other sources in submitted work is plagiarism. Under assessment conditions, material learnt by rote or close paraphrase will be expected to follow the usual rules of reference citation otherwise it will be considered plagiarism.
31.4 The act of plagiarism is considered fraudulent and an offense against institutional discipline. The Institution will investigate and take appropriate action in the event of allegations of plagiarism at any stage of a student’s studies, whether before or after certification.
31.5 The Institution reserves the right to use plagiarism detection systems, which may be externally based, in the interests of improving academic standards when assessing student work.
In other words, the Institution has done something wrong in the way we have administered your course or assessments, or we have not made reasonable allowances for a medical or other personal problem which you reported as Good Cause, or there was something affecting your academic performance which you have not told us about before (you must provide a good reason why you didn’t tell us before).
If you appeal under any of the above grounds it is essential that you can provide substantive documentary evidence to support your appeal. If you do not provide evidence your appeal will be dismissed.
A student who feels that he or she has grounds for an appeal should first seek advice from Student Services.
Please note that you cannot appeal against academic judgement — in other words, simply because you think that you should have been given a higher grade for your work or you think you should have been given a better certificate classification. It is important that you state clearly the resolution that you are seeking, and that this resolution is reasonable.
It takes a lot of work to assemble the case and the evidence needed for a successful appeal and it would be wise to discuss your position with somebody before starting. Your Student Service Officer will be happy to help or you might prefer to approach the LSET Student Services.
Prior to submitting your formal appeal, it is worthwhile sending a draft copy to the Principal Instructor as often it is possible to resolve the appeal locally without the need for the formal process. This is referred to as an “informal resolution”.
In summary, there are three things you have to consider:
If the answer to any of these questions is “no” then there is no point in making an appeal.
You can raise a Stage 2 complaint in the following ways:
By email:
By post: 1 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3ND, United Kingdom
Complaints must be made in writing by filling out the Complaint Form in the Student Space whether it is at Stage 1 or Stage 2. This will help to clarify the nature of the complaint and the remedy that you are seeking.
There are fire extinguishers throughout the building.