Python and Machine Learning

Python and Machine Learning

    Table of Contents

    • Python and Machine learning
    • Difference between AI, ML, and deep learning.
    • What makes Python a favourable choice for ML?
    • Extensive selection of frameworks and libraries
    • The simplicity
    • Abundance of support
    • Platform Independence
    • Great community and popularity
    • Conclusion

    Python and Machine learning

    Python has relished a steady rise to fame over the last few years and is now jostling for one of the popular programming languages in the world.

    It is favoured for applications ranging from development to scripting and process automation. Python is quickly becoming the top preference among developers for artificial Intelligence (AI), deep learning projects and machine learning.

    ML has created a good atmosphere of opportunities for application developers. It is also used enormously by companies involved in customer service to drive self-service and improve employee productivity and workflows.

    If you wish to grow your career in machine learning, you can join the LSET best python certification course. LSET is the online platform that will clear all your doubts and make you a certified Python developer.

    In this ebook, we will learn what makes Python better for Machine learning. We’ll also take a look at the significant reasons why Python is the go-to programming language for developers working in deep learning and machine learning and why you should consider it for your next ML project.

    Before we begin, it would be supportive to understand the dissimilarity between artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.

    Difference between AI, ML, and deep learning.

    • In simple words, deep learning is a subclass of machine learning, and artificial intelligence is a common category that contains machine learning. Artificial Intelligence is essentially any intelligence exhibited by a machine that leads to a suboptimal or optimal solution, given a problem. Machine learning then takes this a step ahead by using algorithms to parse data and grasp from it to make informed resolutions. Deep learning functions in the same way but has very different abilities, namely the ability to conclude in a manner that matches human decision making. It does this by using a structure of algorithms influenced by the neural network of the human brain. Give growth to your career by choosing the best python certification course online at the best platform, LSET.

    What Makes Python a Favourable Choice for ML?

    Of course, Python is a choice for developers for a whole host of applications, but what makes it the best fit for projects involving ML? 

    Extensive selection of frameworks and libraries

    One of the features that make Python such a preferable choice, in general, is its abundance of frameworks and libraries that facilitate coding and save time. In addition, machine learning and deep learning are extraordinarily well catered for.

    SciPy for advanced computation, and sci-kit-learn for data analysis and data mining, NumPy, used for scientific computation. These are among the popular libraries, working alongside such heavy-hitting frameworks as TensorFlow, Apache Spark, and CNTK. In terms of deep learning and machine learning, these frameworks and libraries are, in essence, Python-first, while some, like PyTorch, are written mainly for Python.

    Python and Machine Learning

    For More Information Please Fill the Form to Download our Python and Machine Learning e-Book.