Published on Jan 15, 2024
Step 1: Introduction
Today, we will walk through the steps to download and install Eclipse and create a new Java project.
Step 2: Downloading Eclipse
Open your web browser and navigate to, Eclipse’s official website. You may also use Google to search for Eclipse and click on the first link that appears.
Select the “Download” option available on the website. Click it again. Let’s wait a few seconds for the download to begin. If it does not start in a few seconds, click here to begin the download.
Step 3: Installing Eclipse
To begin the installation process, Locate the directory where the file was stored and perform a double-click on it.
The following prompt will appear: click on Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and then click on the Install button. The installation may take several minutes, depending on the speed of your computer.
The Launch button will appear after the installation is complete. Click on it to proceed.
During this step, you will be prompted to select a default workspace location for saving Eclipse project files. You can keep the default setting or change it to a location of your choice. To proceed, click on the launch button.