How to Launch Your App to the App Store?

London School of Emerging Technology > Blog > How to Launch Your App to the App Store?
How to Launch Your App to the App Store

Mobile app development is the cornerstone of a booming smartphone market all across the world. Whether you are a beginner in mobile app development or an expert, submitting your app on the app store can be a little tricky. This blog assumes that you are already enrolled in an iOS developer course and are accustomed to App Review and Human Interface Guidelines. Let’s look at the steps to distribute your app on the app store.

Step 1: Generate an iOS Distribution Provisioning Profile and Distribution Certificate.

In order to distribute your apps to the beta testers and users via the app store, you will require a provisioning profile and distribution certificate. As a mobile app developer, you can obtain the certificate through Xcode, creating and managing certificates, register devices, and sign identities when the automatic signing is enabled.

Step 2: Get an App Store Connect Record for Your Application.

You can obtain the app store connect record in two ways:

  1. Create your app store organisation and become the team agent. You can log in with the Apple ID that you used to enrol in the Apple developer program.
  2. Get invited by an existing organisation in a user’s capacity with an admin, technical, or app manager role.

However, if you are publishing a paid app, you will have to sign a contract covering payment terms.

Step 3: Add Your New App

Go to the App Store Connect dashboard and select my apps. Then select the ‘+’ sign on the top-left corner and then click on the ‘New App’ option. To create a new app store connect to record, you will have to fill in details such as platform, name of the application, default language, SKU, and bundle ID. These details can’t be changed later on, so make sure that you have cross-checked every detail.

Step 4: Archive and Upload Your App Through Xcode

Before submitting the app for review, you will have to upload the build through Xcode.

  • Choose generic iOS device as the deployment target
  • Select the product from the top menu and then click on the Archive option
  • Doing this will launch the Xcode organiser that would show any archives that you might have created in the past
  • Ensure that the present build is selected and then click on the Upload to App store located in the right-hand panel

Once the upload is complete, a success message will appear. Then click on Done. After completing the above formalities, the next step in the mobile app development and distribution process is to configure the metadata and other details in the App store connect record. After configuration, you will have to apply for a review, and once approved by the app store, your app will be published and ready to be downloaded. In case of disapproval, you will have to make the necessary fixes before submitting it for a re-review.

Learn Mobile App Development at LSET

LSET offers state-of-the-art facilities to students who are looking to enrol in the iOS developer course. Our curriculum consists of both theoretical and practical approaches towards app development and distribution courses. We offer a range of app development courses, from the iOS developer course to the android application course. We comprise the application of AI and ML in application development and make students well versed with all the latest technologies to succeed as professional developers. If you are looking for an iOS developer course, then call us today.

1 Response
  1. I appreciate how Insightful, crisp and informative your blog is. It is also very useful for those who are learning app development on their own. And thanks for the course suggestion too.

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