Mastering IoT Security: What You Need to Know in the AI Era

London School of Emerging Technology > AI/ ML > Mastering IoT Security: What You Need to Know in the AI Era
IoT Security

The Internet of Things is changing the way people communicate with objects and information. It has made its way from our houses and is now a fundamental part of many industries. However, as with any network of connected devices through the web, there are major issues regarding security. The key to IoT’s safe and secure use is to understand why security and the use of these technologies must be secured.

What is IoT?

IoT or the Internet of Things, implies the collective community of appealing objects affiliated with sensors, applications, middleware and net connectivity. These devices can include wearables or heating systems to make a home comfortable and immense and clinical apparatuses.

Examples of IoT Devices:

  • Consumer: Smart home devices such as speakers, wearable devices and security cameras
  • Industrial: Automated manufacturing machines, sensors for the energy grid
  • Healthcare: Tele-communicated health apparatuses, healthcare wearables
Importance of IoT Security

IoT devices are necessarily networked and frequently involve collection, transmission, and storage of data. That makes it attractive to hackers as data is vulnerable. Furthermore, most IoT devices are characterised by a limited processing capacity and RAM, which sometimes prevents the implementation of robust security models. If left unsecured, IoT systems can be exploited, leading to:

Personal data threat: Data breaches can make people lose their identities stored on devices, confidential information or money stolen.

Device hijacking: The researchers found that hackers can gain control and command of IoT devices and use them to carry out other illegal activities, such as DDoS.

Operational disruption: For industries, a breach in IoT security systems means that the organisation’s operations are impacted, meaning loss of time, sales and revenue and damage to reputation.

Common Threats of IoT Devices

To better understand the importance of IoT security, it is essential to identify the common threats that IoT devices face:

Weak Authentication: As we have seen most smart devices do come with default login credentials making easy targets if not administratively changed by the user.

Unencrypted Data Transmission: When data is unencrypted between connected devices there is a possibility that data can be accessed by wrong individuals.

Firmware Vulnerabilities: If the firmware is old or not upgraded with the latest updates, it can cause security vulnerabilities that hackers can take advantage of.

Botnets: IoT devices, including light bulbs, TVs, etc., can be hacked and joined to a group of infected devices called botnets that attack large websites like DDoS.

Physical Attacks: Physical trespassing is unsafe since many IoT devices are placed in remote or public locations.

How to Learn IoT with AI

To learn how to integrate AI into IoT, here are the key steps:

Understand the Basics of IoT: We suggested starting with basics such as networking, sensors and data protocols in IoT. That being said, there is always a need to understand how the devices convey and transfer information.

Learn AI and Machine Learning Concepts: AI and ML are needed to assist IoT systems for big data processing, pattern recognition, and subsequent prediction. Achieve mastery in the further classification of supervised learning, unsupervised learning and neural networks. OAuth, HTML and CSS are some of the tools used in the development of AI in IoT.

Get Hands-On with IoT Platforms and AI Tools: To sum up, much depends on working with open platforms that can cover both AI and IoT at the same time. For example Google Cloud IoT, Microsoft Azure IoT, IBM Watson, etc.

Build Real-World Projects: Do your learning through projects for example smart home systems, the predictive maintenance of industrial IoT systems or the application of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare monitoring.

Career in IoT

As IoT has now emerged as an important component of several sectors, the job prospects in this specific sector are growing at a fast pace. Here are some popular career paths for those looking to enter the IoT industry:

AI-IoT Specialist: With AI being a crucial element of IoT, the need for skilled employees who could work with both technologies is augmented. AI-IoT experts target at applying Artificial Intelligence in enhancing IoT’s systems including, forecast, auto control, and cognitive decision making etc.

IoT Engineer: IoT engineers are supposed to create IoT systems that sustain the systems they design and implement. They focus on technologies where many parts, including the hardware, software, and networking components, must be part of a product that connects devices to other devices and networks. Skills in embedded systems, hardware programming, and the cloud computing domain are useful or mandatory.

IoT Data Analyst: Internet of things connected devices is the source of enormous amounts of data. An IoT data analyst is concerned with capturing and analysing this data for the purpose of arriving at insights. Some of the tools expected to be known for this position include data science, machine learning, and data visualisation.

IoT Security Specialist: Since security is an issue in IoT, IoT security specialists ensure that the network, device or data is secured against cyber attacks. Since IoT designs and integrates all manner of devices into intelligent, autonomously functioning systems, expertise in cybersecurity measures, encryption, and threat identification is vital to guarantee that all operating systems used in IoT are safe.

IoT Solutions Architect: IoT solution architects design IoT solutions for industries comprising large-scale IoT networks as a solution in manufacturing, healthcare, and smart cities. They are fully accountable for ensuring that the formation of IoT Infrastructure is correctly and effectively scalable and secure. Expertise in Cloud architecture, networking and several IoT platforms is mandatory.

IoT Product Manager: IoT product managers are responsible for IoT product management, from ideation to market introduction. They are also engaged with engineers, designers and marketers mainly to ensure the suitability of IoT products into customer’s requirements as well as organisational goals.


IoT devices are revolutionising industries and making life easier for users, but they come at a huge cost in terms of security. IoT is an emerging and appealing field for people who are interested in cybersecurity and data protection. With the help of the London School of Emerging Technology (LSET), students can enrol on their IoT Security and AI-powered Solutions, which can help students or professionals understand the in-depth knowlegde about this field and help them make a flourishing career out of IoT. There are many opportunities in this field and this October, you can enrol in this course and get a chance for an internship from LSET. Check now for more details.


What is the key advantage of learning about IoT Security and AI-powered Solutions from LSET?

LSET will not only help scholars understand the IoT and how it is done but also ensure that students get opportunities for internship programs.

Why is IoT security important for the business enterprise and the general public?

Internet of things security is important because such devices deal with personal information and can be hacked, thus causing data leakage, theft or hold or malfunction.

Which threats are IoT devices most vulnerable to?

This ranges from the absence of good authentication methods, transmission of data in an unencrypted manner, presence of botnets, outdated firmware and physical tampering.

What trends may be observed in the years ahead for IoT security?

Management of contracts and solutions developed with artificial intelligence, utilising block chain for ensuring a secure validation of information, tightened regulatory systems and readiness for threats that originate from quantum computing will determine the courses for IoT security in the following years.

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