Object-Oriented in Java: Mastering Java Programming

London School of Emerging Technology > Programming > Object-Oriented in Java: Mastering Java Programming
Java Programming

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a model of procedural Java programming based on creating “objects” to achieve goals that resemble vivid images. These objects can also store data such as fields and application scripts in the form of methods and behaviours. Java is one of the most emerging programming languages based on OOP, which makes it possible to transfer important concepts into computer programs effectively.

What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

OOP is the programme organised to create objects that work together. Every object is an example of a class, which, on the other hand, contains information about the actual object and its actions. OOP helps the developer subdivide the complications of development into more easily solvable problems.

In OOP, four basic principles are present: inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. Let’s look at each in detail:


For example, the reuse of existing functionality that is already provided in Java Visual Mobile Builder 2.1 for building and designing visuals and creating and compiling applications.

It’s an OOP concept that allows a new class (called the derived or child class) to use the value of fields and behaviour in another class (called the base or parent class). This feature supports reusability since developers can create new classes from existing ones without writing new code.

For instance, take the case of a vehicle class that holds data belonging to all classes of vehicles, such as speed, movement, etc. These features are good when a subclass, like Car, can be developed from the Vehicle class, but when defining the new behaviours, such as honking, it is done within this subclass.

Significance of Inheritance

It can minimise code replication, which is very common when defining functionality across various classes.

It makes code more manageable; modifications made to the parent class impact the child classes in the programme.


Polymorphism refers to objects of different classes with reference to the common superclass. This principle allows one interface to hide more than one underlying form. Polymorphism is of two types: compile time polymorphism, also known as method overloading and runtime polymorphism, also known as method overriding, which is supported by Java.

For example, a method for calculating Area could exist in different shapes, such as a circle or rectangle, each of which will provide a unique implementation but with the same name. This provides for variability, especially in the actions that methods are to perform depending on the object that invokes them.

Significance of Polymorphism

It benefits developers by allowing them to write more convenient and easy-to-manage code by having one interface that can take into account and work with several types of objects.

It fosters scalability since the clients enable the extension and modification of the existing code.


Encapsulation can be best defined as the practice of restricting access to some of the object’s data and functionality to other components within the same object. This is the case because instances of the class shall have the variables made private, and then the class would provide methods that would access or modify this variable.

For instance, there can be a Person class that has a feature called age as private, but it has methods such as get () and stage () to access or manipulate it, respectively. This ensures that any changes that may occur regarding the age field can also be validated and controlled.

Significance of Encapsulation

It shields an object’s internal state from any form of alteration by other entities both in and outside the system.

It allows one to have better control over how other attributes are accessed and modified.

It brokers the internals of an object to outside classes and provides a mechanism for safer and cleaner interaction.


Abstraction means that while a certain system’s full mechanism may be revealed, only just enough is made available. Abstraction speaks only of an object’s performance yet is mute as to how such a performance occurs. This is normally done in Java with the use of abstract classes or interfaces.

For instance, let us take a Payment system that accepts payments via one or several types of operations (credit card, bank transfer). In the following example, abstraction is used where the details of each method implementing how the payment is processed are shown, and then using the processPayment() interface, each payment method can be called.

Significance of Abstraction

It decreases complexity because it avoids presenting the user or developer with details he/she may not require.

It brings a clean and basic interface, which is easier to use and adds more features.

It allows concentration on what an object does instead of how it achieves its actions.


Java Object-oriented programming is designed around four vital ideas: inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Abstraction. These principles help follow best practices for writing clean source code that is easily understandable and maintainable while working with large complexities of software systems. It is beneficial to understand object-oriented programming, which can significantly help you in your Java development career. Therefore, the London School of Emerging Technology (LSET) offers a detailed guided course on Java programming. Students can benefit from the course as, along with the course, they get a chance to get into an internship with LSET.


How can LSET’s Java Programming course help students with OOP or any other programming methods?

LSET’s JAVA programming course offers in-depth knowledge about Java programming and teaches about different aspects and methods of the field. LSETs also provide internships that can benefit students not only on the basis of methods understanding but also on becoming job-ready.

How does Inheritance work in Java, and why is it considered helpful for Developers?

Inheritance lets a class be based on another class, so cutting down on repetition and saving code. This makes the code quite manageable and efficient or at least less cumbersome than otherwise would be the case.

What are some useful applications of polymorphism in the Java programming language?

Polymorphism makes it possible to employ the objects of one class in the context of a certain problem because each object is an embodiment of its corresponding superclass. It facilitates polymorphism in code; the same method works on different object types and makes the programs scalable.

In what way does the concept of encapsulation make Java programs more secure from code tampering?

Encapsulation limits the exposure of some data and info to users within an object when they are made accessible only to public methods of that object. It ensures that an object’s data cannot be altered in any way the user did not intend it to change.

ln what way would abstraction ease writing Java code?

It conceals the topology implementation and only unveils features, making it easier for developers and the system to interface than concentrating on how the object performs a particular function.

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