Conflict Management

Workshop Information

War, famine and disease are a few of the many obstacles human beings have had to overcome in the past. These are all consequences of poor management of conflicts and lack of effective means to solve them. This article is intended to help you realise how important it is to manage conflicts effectively in order to achieve your organisation’s goals, share your vision with others, build trust among team members, and improve team processes. This article will also provide information on how to facilitate an effective conflict management workshop that will benefit your team.

Conflict Management

What is a Conflict Management Workshop?

A conflict management workshop is a facilitated discussion where team members openly discuss their interpersonal problems and concerns. Conflicts can arise in any organisation, but if you handle them badly, they can create a lot of problems for your team. The reason for conflict is never important; what’s important is how you handle it. A conflict management workshop is a discussion where team members openly discuss their interpersonal problems and concerns. This workshop is usually held by a third party that has no stake in the conflict in order to maintain neutrality. The goal of the workshop is to facilitate communication, help team members understand one another better, and find ways to resolve the issues that are holding them back.

Why is conflict management important?

Conflicts can arise in any organisation, but if you handle them badly, they can create a lot of problems for your team. The reason for conflict is never important; what’s important is how you handle it. If you are able to handle conflicts effectively, you’ll build trust. You’ll be viewed as someone who is honest and trustworthy. When team members trust one another, they are willing to take risks that they might otherwise avoid. Trust is crucial to any organisation because it leads to collaboration. Collaboration is one of the most important aspects of productivity. When team members feel confident in each other and are willing to take risks in order to achieve the organisation’s goals, you’re going to see the outcomes improve.

How to conduct an effective workshop?

A successful conflict management workshop is about facilitating an open dialogue among team members. There are three steps in facilitating an effective workshop: -
  • Defining the goals
  • Selecting the participants
  • Managing the workshop

Tips for effective conflict management

Make it safe: The very first step is to make it safe for people to have open and honest discussions about issues that may be sensitive. This creates a safe environment for participants to express their feelings and share their concerns without fear of judgement or retaliation.

Follow up: – Start with yourself: Your own actions can either help or hinder a conflict resolution; you need to be careful not to unintentionally worsen the situation.

Be empathetic: When you listen to other people’s opinions and feelings, try to step into their shoes.

Be a facilitator, not a mediator: Your goal is to facilitate an open dialogue among team members. You aren’t there to judge or solve the problem for them.


Conflicts can arise in any organisation, but if you handle them badly, they can create a lot of problems for your team. The reason for conflict is never important; what’s important is how you handle it. When team members have a safe and open forum to discuss their interpersonal problems and concerns, they can build trust, improve communication, and find ways to resolve the issues that are holding them back from achieving their goals. Now that you know what a conflict management workshop is and how to conduct one, you can help your team solve their interpersonal issues and find ways to improve the way they work together.