What is Machine Learning? How does it Offer a Promising Future?

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What is Machine Learning How does it Offer a Promising Future

Advanced Machine Learning processes are being used by businesses to perform complex tasks more efficiently and effectively due to the ability of ML in computing and analysing large amounts of data. The ML market is expected to grow from 1.03 million USD to a whopping 8.81million USD at an annual growth rate of 44.1% during the period. Organisations are using machine learning solutions worldwide to improve their ROI, customer experience, and competitive edge. A python certification course is available at every major and minor institution in the UK and US to train young developers in the science of ML.

What is Machine Learning?

It is a branch of artificial intelligence used to develop applications that learn from data and enhance their accuracy over time. The machine learning applications are built mostly by Python developer. In data science, machine learning is a series of statistical processing steps. These algorithms are designed to find patterns and features in huge amounts of data to help businesses make accurate decisions and predictions based on relevant data. This pretty much encapsulates the job of a Python developer.

Future of Machine Learning

Machine learning is not just confined to data science, but it is expanding in other areas such as banking, IT, media and entertainment, automotive industry, among others.

Automotive Industry:

The automotive industry is benefitting immensely from ML that has changed the concept of driving on its head. Companies like Tesla, Mercedes Benz have invested in machine learning to launch self-driven cars.


Robotics is another area that is seeing massive development since the advent of machine learning. As a python developer, it is always a popular area of interest. There are a number of Python certification courses that teach about how to use ML in robotics.

Quantum Computing:

Although we are still in the nascent stages of ML, one can’t deny the influence it will have on expanding Quantum Computing to the next level. Quantum computing systems are designed using advanced quantum algorithms that can process data at super-high speeds. Thus, ML will be able to augment the processing power of the automation system used in different technologies.

Computer Vision:

As is evident from the name, computer vision gives vision to a computer or a machine. Providing the ability to a machine to identify and analyse photos, videos, and graphics is the aim of computer vision. Machine learning and AI technologies have helped realise this purpose more effectively.

Python Certification Course at LSET

LSET offers a comprehensive Python certification and Artificial certification course, where we explore machine learning concepts and help students get a complete understanding of its frameworks and processes. Our certification programs will help you learn all the skills you need to become a professional Python developer. Our practical courses are designed to give you a hands-on learning approach. Get in touch with our Python course coordinator today to know more about the courses.

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