Python was initially developed as a teaching language, but its clean syntax and ease of use have led to its popularity among experts and beginners alike. The hygiene of Python’s syntax has given the language a name-“executable pseudocode”. The ease to code, read, and understand a python script has made it popular even in AI and Machine Learning. If you are trying to get python certification and understand the basics of python syntax, read this article. Let’s look at some of the syntactical features of Python.
Comments are Marked by #
The script of Python coding starts with a comment. The comments are specified by a # sign, and the interpreter ignores anything on the line succeeding the # sign. This means that your code can have stand-alone comments as well as inline comments that follow a statement. Python does not have any syntax for multi-line comments; instead, multi-line strings are commonly used by a python developer.
End of Line Terminates a Statement
In Python ending a line by simply marking it as an end terminates the statement contrary to the languages like C and C++, where every statement is terminated by adding a semicolon. If a python developer wants to continue the line, then he can do so by using “\” to specify this.
A semicolon can Electively Terminate a Statement. Sometimes it is useful to have multiple statements in a single line, and semicolons can be used electively to put two statements in a single line in Python.
Indentation: Whitespace Matters
In programming languages, a block of code is a series of statements that is to be treated as a unit, and in Python, this is usually denoted through indentation. Using indentation aids in enforcing a uniform, readable style that a python developer finds convenient in python code. During python certification, you will learn the meaningful use of whitespace in Python programming. It allows for a consistent and readable code than other languages.
Parentheses are used for Grouping or Calling
Parentheses are used to group together statements or mathematical operations and can also be used to specify a function. The call for a function is denoted by a pair of opening and closing parentheses along with arguments to the function.
A Note on the print() Function
The print() function is one element that has changed between Python 2 and Python 3. In Python 2, the print() function worked as a statement, but in Python 3, it has now become a function.
Quotation in Python
Python programming accepts single (‘), double (“), and triple (“) quotes in order to indicate string literals as long as the same quotes begin and end the string. Triple quotes are used by a python developer when there is a need to span the strings across multiple lines.
Become a Professional Python Programmer
If you are looking to transition your career into python programming or AI and Machine Learning, then the python certification course at LSET is the best choice for you. We have curated a professional python training course that covers both theoretical and practical elements of the programming language. Our curriculum offers a hands-on approach to the students and helps them gain experience in Python programming on real-world projects. Our python certification is equally beneficial to experts and novices alike and provides an in-depth understanding of Python and its applications. We also infuse the components of data science in our Python course.
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