- Basic Syntax
- a. Variables
- b. Operators
- Data Types
- String: A sequence of characters. This is the most common data type used in Python.
- Conditions: An “if-then” statement used when you have a certain condition and want to execute code if that condition is true.
- Loops: A programming term used to execute a set of instructions until a certain condition is met.
- Functions
- Classes
- Resources for Further Learning
Learning Python can be an intimidating task, especially if you’re new to coding. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide to Python syntax: to help you master the basics easily. This guide will cover everything from variable types to functions and classes, so you can quickly get up to speed on the fundamentals of the language. With our straightforward explanations and step-by-step instructions, you’ll soon be comfortable coding with Python. We’ll also offer plenty of resources to help you stay motivated and continue learning more advanced topics. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started mastering the fundamentals of Python syntax!
Basic Syntax #
Variable: A name or identifier that stores data in a program. You can use the same name to refer to the value of that data.
Operator: A symbol that represents an operation on one or more values using the computer. Examples are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.
Data type: A type that specifies the range of values that a variable can contain, the amount of memory needed to store it, and the operations that can be applied to it. Possible data types include integers, floating point numbers, text, Boolean values (true or false), or a combination of these.
String: A sequence of characters. This is the most common data type used in Python.
Conditionals: An “if-then” statement used when you have a certain condition and want to execute code if that condition is true.
Loops: A programming term used to execute a set of instructions until a certain condition is met.
Functions: A set of instructions that can be reused and applied to other data. – Classes: A way to categorise your data and objects into a programming pattern.
a. Variables #
A variable is a location in memory that stores some information. You can refer back to that information by using the variable name. In Python, variables are case sensitive, which means you should use the correct capitalisation. Also, be sure to choose names that are easy to remember so you can avoid confusion. There are a few types of variables you should keep in mind when first learning Python. Global variables are accessible from anywhere in the program, which can cause issues if you change them outside of the function where you intend to do so. Local variables are only accessible within the function where you created them. Lastly, you have mutable and immutable variables. Immutable variables are read-only, meaning you can only read the value but not change it. Mutable variables can be changed and have their value changed.
b. Operators #
An operator is a symbol that represents an operation on one or more values using the computer. There are different types of operators that can be used in Python. Arithmetic operators are used to perform math operations like addition, subtraction, and multiplication. You can also use relational operators, which check if one value is greater than, less than, etc. another value. Logical operators allow you to combine relational operators with Boolean values, which are true or false. Other types of operators include bitwise, which operates on binary numbers, and conditional, which is a comparison operator used in an “if-then” statement. Finally, you can also use assignment operators to assign a value to a variable or a reference to a value.
Data Types #
A data type is a type that specifies the range of values that a variable can contain, the amount of memory needed to store it, and the operations that can be applied to it. There are many data types in Python and below are the most common ones used:
Integers: Used to represent whole numbers without a decimal. Integers have no fractional part and no decimal places.
Floats: Used to represent real numbers with a decimal.
Strings: Used to represent text.
Booleans: Used to represent True or False values. Additionally, Python also comes with a few other data types, such as bytes and lists. You can learn more about these and other data types in Python by reading the documentation.
String: A sequence of characters. This is the most common data type used in Python. #
A string is a sequence of characters stored as a data type. In Python, a string can span multiple lines, but it needs to be in single quotes. You can create a multiline string by combining single quotes with three dots (“”““). Strings are useful when you need to display data in your Python program, such as when you’re creating a web application. If you want to add a string to your Python program, you need to first create a variable, such as name = “John”. Then, you can use the following operator to add the string: name “Hello”.
Conditions: An “if-then” statement used when you have a certain condition and want to execute code if that condition is true. #
Conditions are an “if-then” statement used when you have a certain condition and want to execute code if that condition is true. For example, you might want to write an algorithm that runs if a person’s age is greater than 18. In Python, you can make the code execute by using an if-then statement, such as if person. age > 18: print(“You may purchase alcohol!”). Note that if the condition is false, the code will not execute. The amount of conditions you can use in Python is limitless. You can also use variables as conditions, such as if person. age > 18: print(“You may purchase alcohol!”).
Loops: A programming term used to execute a set of instructions until a certain condition is met. #
Loops are a programming term used to execute a set of instructions until a certain condition is met. In Python, you have three types of loops: while loops, for loops, and break loops.
While Loops – A while loop will keep running until the condition is false.
While Loops – A for loop executes a certain set of instructions a specific number of times.
Break Loops – A break loop interrupts the loops, stopping the program from continuing on with the loop.
Functions #
A function is a set of instructions that can be reused and applied to other data. Python comes with many built-in functions to make coding easier, such as input, math, and random. If you want to create your own function, follow these steps:
First, type def, which is the first part of the definition.
Next, type the name of your function followed by parentheses.
After that, you write the instructions you want the function to contain, followed by a colon.
Finally, type the __END__ to signify the end of the function. You can then call the function by typing functionName(input).
For example, if you have a function that adds two numbers together, you can call it by typing add(5, 8).
Classes #
A class is a way to categorise your data and objects into a programming pattern. It allows you to define a blueprint for an object, which is helpful if you want to create your own objects or extend an existing object. When creating a class, use the keyword class followed by the name of the class, a colon (:), and the end of the class. After that, you can start adding variables and functions that relate to the class. Finally, you can end the class with a closing bracket (>). For example, if you want to create a class for a person, the code would look like this: class person: name = “”. After you’ve created the class, you can then create a new object by typing house = person(“John”, “Doe”).
Resources for Further Learning #
To master Python syntax and continue your journey as a coder, there are plenty of resources to help you out. Here are a few recommended websites and books to get you started:
Python Tutor: This website lets you learn Python with interactive exercises. You can type Python code directly into the website and run the code to see the output.
Python.org: This website is the official Python website, where you can learn Python, see what’s new, and read documentation.
Codeacademy: This website offers interactive lessons to help you learn Python.
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